Natalie Portman : Kisses Mila Kunis

Natalie Portman  turning the sexy up is not a problem for her or Mila Kunis who star alongside each other in the upcoming film entitled 'Black Swan'. Natalie Portman stars as a determined ballet dancer competing against Mila Kunis' character for the lead role in Swan Lake.
Natalie Portman has said she was scared to death about her first lesbi-kiss, stating:

“I was terrified,” she said. “At the moment I lived in a state of inner terror.”

On the other hand, when it comes to sexy scence, we get a completely different Natalie Portman:

“Nudity is something absolutely natural and I’m not prudish — but in a film it can be distracting,”
she said. “Doing Black Swan I couldn’t say no. The project is a huge opportunity for me to show a new me. I can’t always play the nice mothers. My other problem is that single pictures are being taken out of context and put on the internet."

Natalie Portman, who previously shot a nude scene for short film Hotel Chevalier also admitted she’s worried the lesbian sex sequence is overshadowing the plot of the film. She is also concerned she might not be taken seriously as an actress.

watch her:
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