Demi Moore's Kids Tell Her To "Grow Up"

demi moore kids

Demi Moore's daughters - Rumer, 20, Scout, 17, and Tallulah Belle, 15 - are so over her and stepfather Ashton Kutcher's online antics! The girls are "mortified" by their behavior and a recent photo of Demi's bikini'd butt being plastered on Twitter.

Kutcher, who married Moore in 2005, recently posted a picture (shown above) on Twitter, of her, bending over in a white bikini, writing, "watching my wife steam my suit while wearing a bikini. I love God!" Adding, "Shhh! Don't tell wifey" and his stepdaughters were none too happy.

A source said, "Seeing their mom and stepdad act like teenagers makes the girls cringe! They think their online exchanges are embarrassing and uncool.

"The girls freaked out when they saw Demi's butt in the air. They sat Demi and Ashton down and told them they needed to curb their immature behavior.

"Demi said it was just innocent fun, but Rumer shook her head in frustration and said, 'Grow up, Mom!'"

Rumer admits her mother and stepfather's Twitter use is "mind-blowing." She said, "They do it all the time and it kind of blows my mind."

And, being a mother of four (two who are now grown) myself, I'm betting Rumer's "mind-blowing" comment is not a compliment to her mom and stepdad.

Demi and Ashton - keep butt pictures off the Internet! Your kids will thank you.

Would you be mortified if your partner posted your ass photo (providing you have such a picture) online? Would your children be embarrassed? I can safely say mine would be!

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