

Lauren Katherine Conrad was born February 1, 1986, in the beautiful seaside city of Laguna Beach, California. “Laguna Beach is one of the most beautiful places in the world and I feel so blessed to have been raised here,” she says. “It’s a really artistic atmosphere, which I think is really great.”

lauren conrad stars on laguna beach

Living in Laguna Beach presented Lauren Conrad with the opportunity of a lifetime when MTV scouts visited her high school during her senior year looking for teens interested in starring in a new reality series entitled Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County. Lauren Conrad decided to give it a shot, and producers promptly selected her to star on the show after falling in love with her dazzling appearance and sparkling personality. Those attributes helped make the program a ratings leader for the network, and Lauren Conrad and her friends quickly became prime-time stars. “Everything that followed was so crazy and unexpected,” she says. “We were thrown into the spotlight very quickly… we had to deal with paparazzi following us, and when we went on dates, it was reported the next day.”

lauren conrad attends the academy of art university

Luckily, Lauren Conrad adapted well to the added attention, and she invited MTV’s cameras along for the ride the following year when she headed off to San Francisco to study fashion design at the prestigious Academy of Art University. Unfortunately, her stay in the Bay City was cut short by a bout of homesickness, and Lauren Conrad returned to Laguna Beach following her first semester. Although she left school, she never abandoned her love of fashion, and Lauren Conrad soon accepted an internship in Los Angeles at a hip clothing company named Three Dots.

lauren conrad stars in the hills

Viewers became so attached to Lauren Conrad, and her quest to break into the fashion world that MTV offered her a spin-off series entitled The Hills in the fall of 2005. It didn’t take Lauren Conrad long before deciding to sign on for the project. “I chose to do the show because entertainment and fashion are so closely related,” she explains. “I wanted to get a taste of a different side of my world and I loved just trying a new experience.” The series, which has been on the air since May 2006, documents Lauren Conrad’s fast-paced life in Los Angeles as she balances classes at The Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising with a high-profile internship at Teen Vogue. According to Lauren Conrad, the show is a more sophisticated version of Laguna Beach. “On Laguna the girls would fight with their boyfriends. Now we fight with our bosses,” she says. “The drama on this show is real problems, such as ‘Am I going to get fired?’”

lauren conrad launches her own clothing line

Lauren Conrad’s education seems to be paying off as she launched her very own signature clothing line in March 2008, during the Mercedes Benz L.A. Fashion Week. “I have wanted to be part of the fashion industry my whole life,” she says earnestly. “I've learned from living in Los Angeles that it's not necessarily what you know, but who you know. So that's what I'm trying to do -- make contacts, get to know people. Hopefully that will help me as I start moving into my fashion career. That's my big goal. ”
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