mystery that is not revealed (Altantuyaa : 1978-2006)

Early life

Altantuyaa was born in 1978. Her parents raised her and her sister while they worked in Russia where Altantuyaa started first grade elementary school. She was reportedly fluent in Mongolian, Russian, Chinese and English..

Altantuyaa moved back to Mongolia in 1990 and a few years later, married a Mongolian techno singer, Maadai. They had a child in 1996 but the marriage ended in divorce and the child went to live with Altantuyaa's parents.

Despite training as a teacher, Altantuyaa briefly moved to France where she attended modeling school before returning to Mongolia.

Altantuyaa remarried and had another child in 2003 but the second marriage also ended in divorce. The second child also lives with Altantuyaa's parents. Her mother said she has never been a model.


She was allegedly introduced to Abdul Razak Baginda, a defense analyst from the Malaysian Strategic Research Centre think-tank, at an international diamond convention in Hong Kong by Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister, Najib Tun Razak, and had a relationship with him. She reportedly had worked as Abdul Razak’s translator on a deal he was brokering for the Malaysian government to buy submarines from France. The pair seem to have

travelled to Paris together for the submarine deal. The two quickly became romantically involved. Altantuya, nicknamed Tuya by her friends, proved to be a useful assistant, helping Baginda translate from Russian to English. Amy, Altantuya’s best friend said that at the end of March 2005 the couple was in Paris, where they met with Najib Razak. She mentioned that a picture was taken which showed the three in a Parisian private club. “Tuya showed me the pix. She said that one of the men was her boyfriend, Abdul Razak Baginda, and the other the “big boss”, Najib Razak. I asked her if they were brothers because of the names, but she said no, and that Najib Razak was the ‘prim

e minister’”.

In October 2006, the French newspaper Liberation claimed that Altantuya was informed that the commission paid by Armaris, a Spanish company involved in Malaysia’s acquisition of three submarines for one billion euros (RM4.7 billion), had been deposited in a bank account in Malaysia. The commission of 114 million euros was allegedly paid into the account of Perimekar, a company Razak controlled. Altantuya then allegedly flew to Kuala Lumpur with her cousin to demand her share of the commission, which was to have been US$500,000.

When she went missing on 19 October 2006, her cousin lodged a police report and sought help from the Mongolian embassy in Bangkok. Altantuya, by her own admission in the last letter she wrote before her murder, had been blackmailing Razak..

The Malaysian police found fragments of bone, later verified as hers, in forested land near the Subang Dam in Puncak Alam, Shah Alam. Police investigation of her remains revealed that she was shot twice before C-4 explosives were used on her remains, although there has been later suggestion that the C-4 explosives may have killed her. When her remains were found their identity could only be confirmed with DNA testing. The provenance of the C-4 remains unclear.

Abdul Razak and three members of the police force were arrested during the murder investigation. The two murder suspects have been named as Chief Inspector Azilah Hadri, 30 and Corporal Sirul Azhar Umar, 35. They had been members of the elite Unit Tindakan Khas (the Malaysian Police Special Action Force or counter-terrorism unit) and were both assigned to the office of the Deputy Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, who was also the Defence Minister at the time of the murder. Abdul Razak has been charged with abetment in the murder.

Murder trial

The trial was originally going to be held in March 2007, but was postponed until the 4 June 2007. Due to controversial and last-minute changes in the prosecution and defence teams, and the presiding judge, the trial was again postponed until 18 June 2007. The pre-trial preparations have seen both the prosecution and defence teams level accusations of evidential impropriety at one another. During the trial there was an incident between Baginda's wife and the victim's father.

According to testimony in the trial of Altantuya's accused murderer Abdul Razak Baginda, the murdered woman accompanied him to Paris at a time when Malaysia's defense ministry, headed by Najib Tun Razak, was negotiating through a Malaysian company, Perimekar Sdn Bhd, to buy two Scorpene submarines and a used Agosta submarine produced by the French government under a French-Spanish joint venture, Armaris. Perimekar at the time was owned by a company called Ombak Laut, which was wholly owned by Abdul Razak.

On 22 July 2008 lawyer Karpal Singh filed a notice of motion to call Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and three others to testify in the trial for the murder of Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu. Karpal who holds a watching brief for Altantuya's family, also sought to recall private detective P. Balasubramaniam who was the first prosecution witness in the trial. Karpal said that summoning Najib is bound to admit fresh evidence to the case. The application was filed under Section 425 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) which allows a court to summon or recall any person as a witness in a trial. It also allows the court to summon or recall any such person if his evidence appears to the court to be essential to the just decision of the case. On 23 July 2008 the High Court rejected a petition by lawyer Karpal Singh to obtain testimony from Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak, dealing a blow to the opposition's efforts to link Najib to the 2006 killing of translator Altantuya Shaariibuu. In rejecting the application, High Court judge Mohd Zaki said Karpal, who is holding a watching brief for victim Altantuya's family, has no locus standi or is in no position to make the application. He mentioned only the parties involved, namely the prosecution and the defence, have the right to do so. numerous other evidence has been presented during the trial, raising suspicions that the proceedings are being drawn out to prepare for either acquittals or diminished sentences for the three, perhaps to keep them from pointing the finger at Najib.

On 31 October 2008 the High Court acquitted Abdul Razak Baginda of abetment in the murder of Altantuya. Chief Inspector Azilah Hadri and Corporal Sirul Azhar Umar have been ordered to enter their defence and testify under oath. On 10 November 2008 it was announced that the murder trial has been postponed to January 2009 in order to allow the defence more time to prepare and gather witnesses. Among the witnesses that a defence lawyer is seeking is Malaysia Today editor Raja Petra Kamarudin and “missing” private investigator P. Balasubramaniam, whose whereabouts is still not known.

From the onset of the trial the defence counsel for Sirul Azhar and Azilah had sought to get the 112 statements from all prosecution witnesses and this was rejected on the grounds that witness statements recorded under Section 112 of the Criminal Procedure Code is privileged. The judge has denied them access to the witness statement of Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's former aide-de-camp DSP Musa Safri to testify in order to rebut Abdul Razak's affidavit.

Statements by the Accused

On 3 February, 2009 Sirul Azhar asked the court not to sentence him to death for Altantuya's murder, saying he was like "a black sheep that has to be sacrificed" to protect unnamed people who have never been brought to court or faced questioning. "I have no reason to cause hurt, what's more to take the life of the victim in such a cruel manner," Sirul said. "I appeal to the court, which has the powers to determine if I live or die, not to sentence me so as to fulfil others' plans for me." He stated in his confession which was tape-recorded and conducted in Bahasa Malaysia, that he was told he was not to answer questions but that whether in answer to questions or not, his remarks would be recorded as a statement.

New Evidence

First Statutory Declaration

In a statutory declaration in his sedition trial in June 2008, Raja Petra accused Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor (the wife of Malaysia's Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak) of being one of three individuals who were present at the crime scene when Altantuya Shaariibuu was murdered on 19 October 2006. He wrote that Najib’s wife, Rosmah Mansor, and Acting Colonel Aziz Buyong and his wife, Norhayati, Rosmah’s aide-de-camp, were present at the scene of the murder and that Aziz Buyong was the individual who placed C4 plastic explosive on Altantuya’s body and blew it up.

Dr Shaariibuu Setev, the father of murdered Mongolian woman Altantuya Shaariibuu, has asked the police to conduct a thorough investigation into an allegation by Malaysia Today editor Raja Petra Kamaruddin. He said the police should look seriously into the allegation by Raja Petra as it might provide them with fresh evidence. In retaliation, the two people named in Raja Petra Kamarudin’s statutory declaration on 18 June 2008, Lt-Col Aziz Buyong and his wife Lt-Col Norhayati Hassan, as having been present at the murder scene of Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu are suing the Malaysia Today editor for defamation. Aziz is seeking an apology from Raja Petra to be published in certain websites and newspapers, the removal of the statutory declaration from his blog and damages of RM1 million.

Second Statutory Declaration

A second statutory declaration was filed on 1 July 2008 by Abdul Razak Baginda's private investigator P. Balasubramaniam, disclosing Najib's links to the murdered Mongolian girl. He said the police omitted information about the relationship between Najib and Mongolian murder victim Altantuya Shaariibuu in his statement. In the declaration Abdul Razak had told Balasubramaniam that the deputy prime minister had a sexual relationship with Altantuya and that the trio had dined together in Paris. Balasubramaniam detailed conversations in a statutory declaration in which the well-connected political analyst allegedly told him he had in effect inherited Altantuya as a lover from Najib, who passed her on because he didn’t want to be harassed as deputy prime minister. Among other lurid details, Balasubramaniam described text messages between Najib and Abdul Razak in which the latter was asking for help to avoid arrest. Former deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has called for a Royal Commission of Inquiry to look into the case.

P. Balasubramaniam made a retraction of the statutory declaration he made on 1 July 2008 and its replacement with one that erased all traces of allegations with references to Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and Altantuya Shaariibuu's murder. There were accusations that this new statutory declaration could have been due to intimidation or inducement, and was done not on his own free will. Bala's first lawyer Americk Singh Sidhu said he was not able to get in touch with Bala despite repeated phone calls. The Malaysian police said on Sunday 6 July that they have asked Interpol to help find the private investigator who has been reported. missing since making explosive claims linking the deputy premier to a murder. Bala's nephew has filed a missing person's report, saying the investigator and his family had disappeared. It was discovered on July 10 that Balasubramaniam's house in Taman Pelangi here has been broken into but police have yet to ascertain whether anything was stolen. Balasubramaniam is said to have taken refuge in a neighbouring country with his wife and children.

Alleged Interference by Najib

Even behind bars under ISA detention, Raja Petra's website Malaysia Today carried a report detailing allegations on an exchange of text messages between Najib and Shafee Abdullah, the prominent lawyer who represented Abdul Razak Baginda before he was charged with abetting two police officers in the murder of the Altantunya. The SMSes, which went on from 8 November to 2 December 2006, raise some questions over the handling of the murder case and suggests that Najib took a strong interest in the investigation from the beginning.

Alleged Destruction of Evidence

After the murder of Altantuya, Datuk Syed Abdul Rahman Alhabshi the honorary consul of Mongolia in Malaysia contacted Shaaribuu Setev, her father. When Datuk Said asked Shaaribuu for all documents, especially pictures, notebooks, films, computer files that could help with the murder investigation, Shaaribuu did not hesitate. He gave Alhabshi everything he had found in his daughter appartment in Ulan Bator. Alhabshi kept the documents for himself, not giving them to the court in Malaysia. “We thought he was working for us, but actually he is working for the malaysian side”, says Shaaribuu with bitterness. Altantuya’s father then asked the Mongolian foreign ministry to dismiss Datuk Said from his position as an honorary consul. The ministry then summoned the diplomat in Ulan Bator to ask him to explain his behaviour. To justify his attitude, Datuk Said has said to Shaaribuu “Given my high position within Umno, it is not possible for me to oppose Najib Razak”.

Biogaphi (Megan Fox)

Megan Fox has one of the prettiest faces in Hollywood -- her blue eyes could go right through you. She also has an incredible complexion and curves that drive men wild. In fact, Megan Fox's smokin' body is actually her own veritable canvas -- she has around nine tattoos, including a portrait of Marilyn Monroe.

Biogrphi (Reese Witherspoon)

Laura Jeanne Reese Witherspoon (born March 22, 1976), better known as Reese Witherspoon, is an American actress and film producer, who has established herself as a one of Hollywood's top actresses in recent years. In 1998 she appeared in three major movies: Overnight Delivery, Pleasantville, and Twilight. The following year, Witherspoon appeared in the critically acclaimed Election, which earned her a Golden Globe nomination. 2001 marked her career's turning point with the breakout role as Elle Woods in the box office hit Legally Blonde, and in 2002 she starred in Sweet Home Alabama, which became her biggest commercial film success to date. 2003 saw her return as lead actress and executive producer of Legally Blonde 2. In 2005, Witherspoon received worldwide attention and praise for her portrayal of June Carter Cash in Walk the Line, which earned her an Academy Award, a Golden Globe, a BAFTA, and a Screen Actors Guild Award for Best Actress.

Early life and education

Witherspoon was born at the former Southern Baptist Hospital (now the Ochsner Baptist Medical Center) in New Orleans, Louisiana, where her parents were living while her father was a student at Tulane University medical school. Her father, John Witherspoon, is a Georgia-born otolaryngologist who previously served as a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army reserves. Her mother, Betty (nรฉe Reese), is from Harriman, Tennessee, has a Ph.D. in pediatric nursing and works as a professor of nursing at Vanderbilt University. Witherspoon has claimed to be a descendant of Scottish-born John Witherspoon, the sixth president of Princeton University and a signatory of the United States Declaration of Independence. This genealogical claim, however, has never been verified.[8][9] Because Witherspoon's father worked for the U.S. military in Wiesbaden, Germany, she lived there for four years as a small child.[5][10] After returning to the U.S., she settled and spent her childhood in Nashville, Tennessee, Episcopalian. where she was raised as an

Witherspoon was selected as a model for a florist's television advertisements at age seven, which motivated her to take acting lessons.At age eleven she took first place in the Ten-State Talent Fair. Witherspoon received good grades in school; she loved reading and considered herself "a big dork who read loads of books."On mentioning her love for books, she said, "I get crazy in a bookstore. It makes my heart beat hard because I want to buy everything." Witherspoon attended middle school at ummdee Academy and graduated from the prestigious all-girls' Harpeth Hall School in Nashville, Tennessee, during which time she was a cheerleader.[14][15] She attended Stanford University as an English literature major. After completing one year of studies, she left Stanford to pursue an acting career.

Witherspoon is proud of the "definitive Southern upbringing" she received, which, as she said, gave her "a sense of family and tradition" and taught her about "being conscientious about people's feelings, being polite, being responsible and never taking for granted what you have in your life." Witherspoon is described as a "multi-achiever" and was given the nickname "Little Type A" by her parents. On discussing her early achievements, she told Interview magazine, "I just don't see any of it as that remarkable. Maybe that's the attitude I choose to have to keep me sane and keep my feet on the ground. I grew up in an environment where women accomplished a lot. And if they weren't able to, it was because they were limited by society."

Acting career

Early work

In 1990, Witherspoon attended an open casting call for The Man in the Moon with some friends, intending to audition as a bit player. She was instead cast in the lead role of Dani Trant, a 14-year-old country girl who falls in love for the first time with her 17-year-old neighbor. Her performance was regarded as "memorably touching" by Variety magazine, and critic Roger Ebert commented, "Her first kiss is one of the most perfect little scenes I've ever seen in a movie." For this role, Witherspoon was nominated for the Young Artist Award Best Young Actress. Later that year, she made her TV acting debut in the cable movie Wildflower, directed by Diane Keaton and starring Patricia Arquette.[3][6] In 1992, Witherspoon appeared in the TV movie Desperate Choices: To Save My Child, portraying a critically ill young girl. In 1993, she played a young wife in the CBSReturn to Lonesome Dove, and got a starring role as the leading character Nonnie Parker, a South African girl who must cross 1,250 miles (2,000 km) of the Kalahari, in the teen-aimed Disney film A Far Off Place. In the same year, Witherspoon had a minor role in Jack the Bear, which garnered her the Young Artist Award for Best Youth Actress Co-star. The following year, Witherspoon acted in another leading role as Wendy Pfister in the 1994 film S.F.W., directed by Jefery Levy. mini series

In 1996, Witherspoon was offered parts in two major movies. She appeared in the thriller Fear alongside Mark Wahlberg and Alyssa Milano, playing the role of Nicole Walker, a teenage girl with a handsome boyfriend who turns out to be a violent psychopath. She was also the leading actress in the thriller and black comedy Freeway, starring alongside Kiefer Sutherland and Brooke Shields. Her character, Vanessa Lutz, is a poor girl living in Los Angeles, who, on the way to her grandmother's home in Stockton, encounters a freeway serial killer.[15] The film received positive reviews from the press. Among them was the San Francisco Chronicle, with Mick LaSalle commenting, "Witherspoon, who does a shrill Texas accent, is dazzling, utterly believable in one extreme situation after the other."[23] Witherspoon's performance won her the Best Actress Award at the Cognac Police Film Festival, and firmly established her as a rising star.[15][24] The making of the movie also gave Witherspoon significant acting experience; as she said, "Once I overcame the hurdle of that movie – which scared me to death – I felt like I could try anything." Following completion of Freeway in 1997, Witherspoon took a break from acting in major movies for a year, and began dating actor Ryan Phillippe. She returned to the screen in 1998 with major roles in three movies, Overnight Delivery, Pleasantville and Twilight. . Witherspoon gained further worldwide recognition for her amazing topless scene in Twilight[26] In Pleasantville, Witherspoon starred alongside Tobey Maguire in a tale about a pair of 1990s teenage siblings who are magically transported into the setting of a 1950s television series. She portrayed the sister Jennifer, who is mainly concerned about appearances, relationships, and popularity. Witherspoon's performance received good reviews and garnered her the Young Hollywood Award for Best Female Breakthrough Performance. Director Gary Ross said he firmly believed Witherspoon was going to be an outstanding movie star.

Early critical success

In 1999, Witherspoon starred alongside Alessandro Nivola in the drama thriller Best Laid Plans; she played Lissa, a woman who schemes with her lover Nick to escape a small, dead-end town. In this same year, she co-starred with Sarah Michelle Gellar and Ryan Phillippe in the drama film Cruel Intentions, a modern take on the 18th-century French novel Les Liaisons Dangereuses. Her performance as Annette Hargrove was praised by the San Francisco Chronicle: "Witherspoon is especially good in the least flashy role, and even when called upon to make a series of cute devilish faces, she pulls it off."[28] Coincidentally, she appeared in a music video by Marcy Playground for the film's soundtrack. In the same year, Witherspoon had the leading role in the critically acclaimed Election, a movie adaptation of the 1998 novel Election by Tom Perrotta.[3] She portrayed the high school over-achiever Tracy Flick, a competitive and ambitious young woman who runs for student body president. The film received good reviews and Witherspoon's performance earned her the Best Actress Award from the National Society of Film Critics, a first Golden Globe nomination and an Independent Spirit Award nomination.[29][30] Witherspoon also received a rank on the list of 100 Greatest Film Performances of All Time by Premiere. Academy Award - winning director Alexander Payne praised her: "She's got that quality that men find attractive, while women would like to be her friend. But that's just the foundation. Nobody else is as funny or brings such charm to things.It is also said that she turned lesbian after this movie. She can do anything." In spite of her successful performance, Witherspoon noted in an interview that she struggled to find work after completing the film, due to typecasting. When analyzing the reasons behind her difficulty to find work, Witherspoon commented "I think because the character I played was so extreme and sort of shrewish – people thought that was who I was, rather than me going in and creating a part. I would audition for things, and I'd always be the second choice – studios never wanted to hire me, and I wasn't losing the parts to big box office actresses but to ones who I guess people felt differently about."

In 2000, Witherspoon received a supporting role in American Psycho and made a cameo appearance in Little Nicky.[25] She also appeared as a guest star in season six of Friends, playing the role of Jill Green, Rachel Green's sister.[33] The next year, Witherspoon provided the voice of Serena in the animated film The Trumpet of the Swan, produced by Crest Animation Productions.

Worldwide recognition

2001 marked a significant turning point in Witherspoon's career, when she starred in the feature film Legally Blonde. She portrayed Elle Woods, a fashion merchandising major who decides to become a law student in order to follow her ex-boyfriend to Harvard University. Speaking about Woods' character, Witherspoon said "When I read Legally Blonde, I was like, 'She's from Beverly Hills, she's rich, she's in a sorority. She has a great boyfriend. Oh yeah, she gets dumped. Who cares? I still hate her.' So we had to make sure she was the kind of person you just can't hate."[17] Legally Blonde was a box office hit, grossing US$96 million domestically.[34] Witherspoon's performance earned her praise from critics, as the press began referring to her as "the new Meg Ryan".[35] Roger Ebert[36] and noted that "she [Witherspoon] delineates Elle's character beautifully".[37] Meanwhile, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer concluded, "Witherspoon is a talented comedian who can perk up a scene just by marching in full of pep and drive and she powers this modest little comedy almost single-handedly."[38] For her work, Witherspoon garnered her second Golden Globe Best Actress nomination and an MTV Movie Award for Best Comedic Performance. commented, "Witherspoon effortlessly animated this material with sunshine and quick wit",

Following the success of Legally Blonde, Witherspoon starred in several roles. In 2002, Witherspoon provided the voice of the animated character Greta Wolfcastle in The Simpsons episode The Bart Wants What It Wants.[39] In the same year, she portrayed Cecily in the comedy The Importance of Being Earnest, a movie adaptation of a play by Oscar Wilde; she received a Teen Choice Award[40][41] Her next feature film in 2002 was Sweet Home Alabama, a movie directed by Andy Tennant. Witherspoon, alongside Josh Lucas and Patrick Dempsey, played Melanie Carmichael, a young fashion designer who intends to marry a New York politician but must return to Alabama to divorce her childhood sweetheart, from whom she has been separated for seven years. Witherspoon regarded this as a "personal role" in that the role reminded her of experiences she had when she moved from her hometown Nashville to Los Angeles.[42] The movie became Witherspoon's biggest box office hit to date, earning over $35 million in the opening weekend and grossing over $127 million domestically in the US.[34][43] Despite the commercial success, Sweet Home Alabama was given negative reviews by critics. It was called "a romantic comedy so rote, dull and predictable" by The Miami Herald,[44] and the press widely agreed that Witherspoon was the only factor that helped the movie attract a large audience.[45][46] When describing Witherspoon's role in the movie, The Christian Science Monitor concluded, "She is not the movie's main attraction, she is its only attraction."[47] nomination for her performance.

In 2003, Witherspoon followed up the success of Legally Blonde by starring in the sequel Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde. Her character, Elle Woods, has become a Harvard-educated lawyer who is determined to protect animals from cosmetics-industry science tests. The sequel was not as financially successful as the first movie, and it generated mostly critical reviews. USA Today considered the movie "plodding, unfunny and almost cringe-worthy", but also noted that "Reese Witherspoon still does a fine job portraying the fair-haired lovable brainiac, but her top-notch comic timing is wasted on the humorless dialogue."[48] Meanwhile, concluded that the sequel "calcifies everything that was enjoyable about the first movie". Despite being panned by critics, the sequel took over $39 million in its first five days in the U.S. box office charts and went on to gross $90 million in the US. Witherspoon received a $15 million paycheck for the role - a starting point to make her consistently one of Hollywood's highest paid actresses from 2002 onwards.

In 2004, Witherspoon starred in Vanity Fair, adapted from the 19th-century classic novel Vanity Fair and directed by Mira Nair. Witherspoon's character – Becky Sharp – is a woman whose impoverished childhood turns her into an ambitious person with a ruthless determination to find fortune and establish herself a position in society. Witherspoon was pregnant during the filmmaking of this movie and was therefore carefully costumed to conceal her pregnancy. The film and Witherspoon's portrayal of Sharp received good reviews, as The Hollywood Reporter wrote, "Nair's cast is splendid. Witherspoon does justice to the juicy role by giving the part more buoyancy than naughtiness." At the same time, The Charlotte Observer called her work "an excellent performance that's soft around the edges" and the Los Angeles Times concluded that Becky is "a part Reese Witherspoon was born to play". This pregnancy was not a hindrance to her work, as Witherspoon believed the gestation had in fact helped her portrayal of Sharp's character: "I love the luminosity that pregnancy brings, I love the fleshiness, I love the ample bosom—it gave me much more to play with", she said.

Amanda (FM Girl)


Hometown: Hartville, Ohio
Age: 22
Stats: 5’7”, 129lbs, 34C-25-35

What do you do for fun?
I go shopping, dancing, I love working out. And I like anything outdoors, 4-wheeling, dirt bikes, clay pigeon shooting!

Tell us about your hometown in Ohio.
Good ol' Hartville... It's in a small dry county, stoplights start flashing at 8:00 PM. It's a really nice, quiet and peaceful place that I really love and it has the biggest flea market in the world!

What's the best song to hook up to?
I love music and hooking up to music, so I ha
ve too many songs to list lol.

What would be a successful first date to you?
Going out to dinner and then doing something fun and exciting.

What's your favorite position when listening to music?
I want to be a cowboy!

From :

Mienfoks - INTERNET GOLD SERIES - #114

MIENFOKS presents random gems found somewhere on the internet and brought here for your mocking pleasure. Look closely as some of the humor is subtle

Katherine Heigl: "I'm There" if Grey's Anatomy Wants Me

Katherine Heigl: "I'm There" if Grey's Anatomy Wants Me

Despite ongoing reports that she wanted out of her Grey's Anatomy contract and that she was being killed off the show, Katherine Heigl said she wants to stay on the medical drama if her character, Izzie, survives brain surgery.
"I was assuming that [Izzie would die] at one point, and I got a lot of shrugged shoulders and shakes of the head, so I don't know if that's a yes or a no," she told the Associated Press Friday at a party celebrating the ABC show's 100th episode. "No one will tell me and I don't know how this is going to go."

She noted that the decision rests with the show and series creator Shonda Rhimes, who is known to value plot secrecy.
"I don't know if I live or die,"Heigl said. "I don't know how Izzie fares."
On the medical drama, Izzie has metastatic melanoma -- skin cancer -- and it has spread to her brain, giving her only a five percent chance of survival, which is a scoop first reported eight months ago. On Thursday's episode, she was seen surviving brain surgery.

Still, Heigl said, "I'm there" if Izzie remains part of Grey's Anatomy, for which she has starred since it debuted in 2005. She called the set "one of my favorite places to be" and said her colleagues are also friends.

Rhimes, who is also an executive producer for the show, declined to comment on what will happen to Heigl's character, but she did reveal a clue about the 100th episode, airing May 7.
Check out the love lives of the Grey's Anatomy stars.

"The only thing I'll tell you about the 100th is that it takes place on Meredith [Ellen Pompeo] and Derek's [Patrick Dempsey] wedding day," Rhimes said. "That's big ... and that's all I'm going to say."

Last month, fellow cast member James Pickens Jr. told Us that Heigl was leaving the show, along with T.R. Knight, both of whom declined comment at the time.
Heigl, who some thought was wanting out of the show to focus on her movie career, said she's comfortable balancing film and TV by working on big-screen projects during the show's summer hiatus.

"I'm more than happy to make that compromise," Heigl said. "As my agent likes to say, 'High-class problems.'"
She added: "I don't know if I want to continue for five years working 12 months a year, but I can take at least another year or two."

Dempsey also said he intends to fulfill the remaining two years on his contract with the show and "then we'll see what happens after that."



Lauren Katherine Conrad was born February 1, 1986, in the beautiful seaside city of Laguna Beach, California. “Laguna Beach is one of the most beautiful places in the world and I feel so blessed to have been raised here,” she says. “It’s a really artistic atmosphere, which I think is really great.”

lauren conrad stars on laguna beach

Living in Laguna Beach presented Lauren Conrad with the opportunity of a lifetime when MTV scouts visited her high school during her senior year looking for teens interested in starring in a new reality series entitled Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County. Lauren Conrad decided to give it a shot, and producers promptly selected her to star on the show after falling in love with her dazzling appearance and sparkling personality. Those attributes helped make the program a ratings leader for the network, and Lauren Conrad and her friends quickly became prime-time stars. “Everything that followed was so crazy and unexpected,” she says. “We were thrown into the spotlight very quickly… we had to deal with paparazzi following us, and when we went on dates, it was reported the next day.”

lauren conrad attends the academy of art university

Luckily, Lauren Conrad adapted well to the added attention, and she invited MTV’s cameras along for the ride the following year when she headed off to San Francisco to study fashion design at the prestigious Academy of Art University. Unfortunately, her stay in the Bay City was cut short by a bout of homesickness, and Lauren Conrad returned to Laguna Beach following her first semester. Although she left school, she never abandoned her love of fashion, and Lauren Conrad soon accepted an internship in Los Angeles at a hip clothing company named Three Dots.

lauren conrad stars in the hills

Viewers became so attached to Lauren Conrad, and her quest to break into the fashion world that MTV offered her a spin-off series entitled The Hills in the fall of 2005. It didn’t take Lauren Conrad long before deciding to sign on for the project. “I chose to do the show because entertainment and fashion are so closely related,” she explains. “I wanted to get a taste of a different side of my world and I loved just trying a new experience.” The series, which has been on the air since May 2006, documents Lauren Conrad’s fast-paced life in Los Angeles as she balances classes at The Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising with a high-profile internship at Teen Vogue. According to Lauren Conrad, the show is a more sophisticated version of Laguna Beach. “On Laguna the girls would fight with their boyfriends. Now we fight with our bosses,” she says. “The drama on this show is real problems, such as ‘Am I going to get fired?’”

lauren conrad launches her own clothing line

Lauren Conrad’s education seems to be paying off as she launched her very own signature clothing line in March 2008, during the Mercedes Benz L.A. Fashion Week. “I have wanted to be part of the fashion industry my whole life,” she says earnestly. “I've learned from living in Los Angeles that it's not necessarily what you know, but who you know. So that's what I'm trying to do -- make contacts, get to know people. Hopefully that will help me as I start moving into my fashion career. That's my big goal. ”



Gisele Caroline Bundchen was born on July 20, 1980, in Horizontina, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Gisele is not the only beauty in her family; in fact, her five other sisters -- Raquel, Graziela, Gabriela, Patricia, and Rafaela -- are also aspiring models. The road to becoming the world's most sought-after model came by chance for Gisele, after she was spotted by an Elite agent while eating a Big Mac at a Sao Paulo McDonald's with her friends at the age of 14. Despite her father's disagreement with her career choice, Gisele moved to the city. In 1995, she entered the Elite Look Modeling Co

mpetition, and her career took off.

gisele bundchen in vogue usa

Gisele Bundchen has since been in campaigns for major fashion houses, such as Ralph Lauren, Dolce & Gabbana, Versace, Valentino, Celine, Gianfranco Ferre, and Chloe.

As for magazine covers, she has graced the covers of Vogue USA, Vogue Italia, Marie Claire, Harper's Bazaar, Are
na,, Allure, and Rolling Stone.

Surprisingly, Gisele Bundchen is a big fan of sweet popcorn, candy and McDonald's sundaes, a vice that
does not show on her more than statuesque figure. It is for this figure that Vogue credited Gisele's work in the fashion industry as "The Return of the Sexy Model," as her physique marks the end of the waif-look that Kate Moss made so famous.

Nonetheless, Gisele Bundchen's chest size has been questioned, but she denies having had implants. Real or not, Gisele adamantly refuses to ever fully reveal her breasts, whether for a fashion show or for a pictorial. One thing is for sure: The only thing fake about her body is her belly-button piercing and the tattoo she has on the inside of her left wrist.

gisele bundchen dates leonardo dicaprio

While her best friend may be her dog Vida (life in Portuguese), she has been romantically linked to male model Scott Barnhill, billionaire Joao-Paulo Diniz and actors Josh Hartnett and Leonardo DiCaprio.

gisele bundchen in the devil wears prada

There's no denying Gisele Bundchen's incredible beauty, which is why companies are willing to pay her top-dollar for representing their name. In 2006, she signed a multimillion dollar contract with Apple Computer as well as made a guest appearance in The Devil Wears Prada. In July 2007, Forbes magazine named her the top-earning model in the world. The following month, she became the face of Pantene hair products for Proctor & Gamble.

gisele bundchen is no. 16 in 2008 top 99

Gisele Bundchen ranked No. 14 on's Top 99 Most Desirable Women Vogue in March 2008 with LeBron James, and that same year, Forbes ranked her as the highest-paid model in the world, as she raked in an incredible $35 million in '08.

In January 2009, reports came out that she and long-time boyfriend Tom Brady, the New England Pats' quarterback, got engaged.
of 2007 list, so it's not surprise she also ranked highly on the Top 99 of 2008. She appeared on the cover of



Kimberly Kathleen Kardashian was born October 21, 1980, in Los Angeles, California. The daughter of O.J. Simpson’s trial lawyer, Robert Kardashian, she and her siblings grew up in a world of immense privilege. They attended the best schools, they ate at the finest restaurants and they wore the latest designer fashions.

They also mingled with some of the world’s most recognizable celebrities, and Kim soon developed an intimate bond with fellow celebutant Paris Hilton, whom she befriended in L.A.’s notorious party scene. Although Paris may have helped to raise Kim Kardashian’s public profile, the Hilton heiress is far from the only A-lister in Kim’s Rolodex. Over the past five years, Kim Kardashian has also been romantically linked with pop star Nick Lachey, rapper The Game, actor Nick Cannon, Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger, and R&B producer Damon Thomas, to whom she was married from 2000 until 2004. However, it has been her relationship with ex-boyfriend Ray J, an R&B artist, that has attracted the most attention.

kim kardashian's sex tape

The pair’s infamous coupling went under the microscope when the tabloid press began reporting that one of their private sex tapes had been leaked. Although Kim Kardashian at first denied the video’s existence, the tape’s validity was later confirmed when it was sold to porn purveyor Vivid Video for the lofty sum of $1 million.

Although some suspect that Kim Kardashian may have been responsible for leaking the video herself, she remained steadfast that she has been uninvolved in its sale and distribution. She also
made it abundantly clear that she didn’t suspect her ex-boyfriend was involved.

kim kardashian owns dash

In addition to her burgeoning “film”

career, Kim is also a part-owner of Dash, a Calabasas, California, clothing store, which she operates with her sisters Kourtney and Khloe. “We all have very different styles, so it’s a collaboration of all of our tastes put together!” she explains.

kim kardashian in playboy magazine

Kim Kardashian is the star of her family's reality show, Keeping Up with the Kardashians, which premiered in October 2007. The babe also bared all in the December 2007 issue of Playboy. So, if you missed the illicit sex tape, you can't miss seeing this voluptuous vixen sprawled out in the magazine.

kim kardashian is named no. 28 in 2008 top 99

OK, so she isn't a singer, actress and calling her a model would be a bit of a stretch. But you must admire a woman who can gain all that notoriety by simply being herself. We know you understand -- this is why she was voted into the Top 99 Most Desirable Women of 2008.



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