Jewelry can represent your Personality

Bracelets are worn for ornamental purposes and with the fame of expensive metals and costly stones, bracelets have become more costly in recent time. However here are so many kinds of attractive bracelets that require not be costly for instance home-produced bracelets, which are prepared out of a string and nicely beads of special colors. We know friendship bracelets have also been well-liked and are given to special ones as gifts to show friendship. These are finished not of silver & gold and gemstones other than of leather or ribbons combined together to form an outline that suits you & your personality.

Eternity rings are typically worn to represent a person's firm promise to be true to another human being and it also representing a code of admiration & a religious faith. The most frequent reason couples swap promise rings is to promise that they will be engaged in the future. Frequently, a formal engagement might carry with it a lot of wedding plans, important life scheduling questions, economic issues, and potentially unwanted pressure from relations and in laws. In this very case, swapping sterling silver rings is very private and less worrying promise between the couple. It is a friendly commitment to a lifetime bond with no marriage plans. A lot of people find that soon in life they value their promise rings through a unique nostalgia as it represents the easy beginning of true love.

The most costly pearls are the completely round pearls. The outlines vary and might truly depend on individual preference or design necessities. Drop pearl earrings employ pearls that are created like your tear drops. The drop pearl earrings are as well highly prized like round ones. The cost is also fixed by the volume of the pearls. The common rule of thumb while shopping is that the larger the pearl, the higher the cost of the earrings. The majority pearls have a diameter which varies from 6.5 to 7.5 millimeters. Here are also further factors which might influence the cost. For example a cherry-sized pearl might cost lesser if it lacks of shine and has lots of defects.

Was that Kate Middleton’s Engagement Ring?

Two lovers that have been together for a very long time have finally joined knots last month in Kenya. The engagement rings are the same ring that Princess Diana wore. This ring was given by his brother Prince Harry, who had kept the ring ever since Princess Diana died in the car crash. Prince Harry gave the promise ring that belonged to Princess Diana to his brother Prince William due to the engagement. The ring was an 18 cart sapphire with diamonds. The ring is very special to the Royal family, which is now given to Kate Middleton, the future Princess and Queen.

Diana, who died in 1997, had the 18k sapphire ring when she was engaged and later on married with Prince Charles in 1981. After she died, her son Prince Harry had the ring and Prince William had the watch. Prince William and his Kate Middleton ring is seen everywhere together every since their engagement. Prince William is very happy to keep his mothers memory alive through the engagement ring and if Princess Diana was alive, she would have been very proud of her son. The couple were seen at the St. James’ Palace for photographs. Prince William had asked Kate’s father for his daughters hand before proposing to Kate. He was pretty nervous before the big moment and wasn’t really sure if she would say yes.

It has been announced that the wedding will take place next year in April at Westminster Abbey in the theme of a semi-state affair. Prince William wanted to make sure that his mother is not missing out in any of the celebration by giving the 18 carat diamond sapphire ring to Kate Middleton. It is a great honour for Kate to have Princess Diana’s promise ring. The ring was selected by Princess Diana herself, as she had a collection presented to her by Crown Jewelers. The ring was designed by Garrard from the jewelry house. Once both Prince William and Kate Middleton are married, they will live in North Wales, as Prince William is currently based there with the Royal Air Force.

The Christmas Distraction

The one thing that is certain about Christmas is that it is a combination of many rituals and continues to be reinvented by its participants


Hollywood's Christmas history is one of greed and avarice. The main character is brought to other dimensions by spiritual beings to experience the true meaning of life. However the true meaning of life is directly related to financial status and the character's lesson is based upon the acquisition and distribution of wealth.Scrooge's Awakening The concept of materialism as both an end and a means is enhanced by the conclusion of the story.

Its a Wonderful Life



The shaman would collect the mushrooms in a bag and deliver them to families, who would then often hang them in socks around the fireplace to dry – the mushrooms would be ready to share their revelatory gifts in the morning of the solstice.

Amanita Muscaria grows only beneath a Christmas tree (coniferous/pine tree) in a symbiotic, non-parasitic relationship with the roots of the tree. (6) It used to be thought to be the fruit of the tree.


Christmas for me is about the celebration of spirit...realizing that there is more to yourself than just the physical world...this can be achieved many ways: through prayer or meditation... by spending time with people you love, by using drugs and alcohol... or my personal favorite all of the above ! The one thing that is certain about Christmas is that it is a combination of many rituals and continues to be reinvented by its participants

- All Rights Reserved 2010 - The Niles Lesh Project Follow NILES LESH / MIENFOKS on TWITTER !

Different kinds of jewelry

We all know what jewelry is, and how it increases the beauty of women. Jewelry is a common article in our life, we love purchasing it now and then. Jewelry is favorite among women mostly, women use different kinds of jewelry in their day to day life. They use different kinds of jewelry when they go out or attend a party. They use different jewelry according to their choice, taste & capacity. People who have more affordability can buy more jewelry according to the tastes and designs. Earrings is the most loved jewelry by women.

Women use different kinds of jewelry such as necklaces, chains, bangles, earrings, fingerings, etc. Before people wore different kinds of heavy jewelry. But now they have changed their choice, people now think about their comfort. They choose jewelry according to their comfort, so that they can move from one place to another. Now different kinds of light jewelry are being used. Girls are using different kinds of eternity rings, which symbolize a group of friends circle. They prefer these jewelries because these jewelries are very attractive and go well with all the attires. This jewelry does not lose their shining after using and can be used for many years. Once the prices of these jewelleries were very high, but now it has been decreased. So people are choosing these as the article which add shine and style to their lives.

The silver jewelry is the common appeal for all People in the world, these silver jewelry suits with all the attires. The white material used here too make this jewelry, gives a shine. They not only wear these jewelleries, now they also gift these jewelleries to their friends, relatives and also their nearest ones. Actually whenever we see a woman, we can see them wearing different kinds of jewelry which makes her beautiful. Jewelry is a part of every women’s’ life and for that very reason women wear it. These materials are very delicate, one should be careful while dealing with this jewelry. One should clean it with a soft cotton cloth, using special solutions.

More To Silver-Sterling Silver

We all love wearing jewelry, whether men or women. Jewelry is a part of every person’s life. We are here to talk about the beautiful white jewelry that is made from a metal which is very soft and of a great use for all of us. We are talking about silver. As we know silver in its pure form is soft, hence difficult to hold strength. Other metals are mixed with it to make it strong, in order to increase its durability. When another metal is mixed into silver, another substance is formed, which is called Sterling Silver. This is something that we find in all our silver jewelry.

Sterling Silver is the silver which is used to make ornaments since ancient times. As described above, it is a mixture of silver & some other metal. As silver has to be mixed with some other metal to make ornaments, people can be duped by jewelry makers as they can mix more of other metals & less of silver to make ornaments & still call it a silver jewelry. For this reason, US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) considers that any silver jewelry is called a silver jewelry when it contains at least 92.5% of actual pure silver to it. 92.5% is the ratio in which pure silver is to be mixed with the other metal to make ornaments. Majority of the times, the remaining 7.5% of the other metal is of copper. It is copper, which is widely used with silver to make jewelry like sterling silver rings or sterling silver necklaces. Copper provides the hardness that pure silver needs & the tendency to tarnish.

I think now you’ll be absolutely clear with what kind of jewelry you might be looking for & whether it is a sterling silver ring or any other silver jewelry. Make sure you take good care of your silver jewelry. Sterling silver jewelry should be stored in clothes or bags that protect them from any kind of tarnish to the ornament. They should be kept in a dry & cold place, away from any other kind of jewelry in order to protect it from scratches. Celebrity inspired jewelry should be cleaned with the help of polishing cloth. Do not use any kind of toothpaste to clean it.



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