Accessorize yourself with cubic zirconia and look stunning

There are loads of accessories available in market that can complement your personality and one of such accessories is charm bracelets. This beautiful piece of jewelry is very much admired by all as they remind you of your old and long forgotten memories. They remind you of the good and bad times that you have spent in your life and that you wish to remember forever. There is no such compulsion to make them in a given type of metal. There are loads of varieties available in metals that can suit you perfectly well and could be the best choice for your wristlet.

One such metal that can turn out to be the best choice is Cubic Zirconia. With this metal by your side, you are not required to worry at all as it will definitely make you feel and look good at the same time. If you check out the statements quoted, you will come to know that this metal is somewhat better than diamond in some aspects however it is considered to be the true copy of diamond and the best possible alternative to the same. There are lot many people in this world who dream to possess diamond jewelry but it seems that it will remain a dream for them. For such people, jewelries made in this metal are the best option to go for.
Cubic Zirconia Jewelry
Many a times it has been found out that even the most renowned professionals fail to distinguish between the real diamond and Cubic zirconia jewelry with naked eyes. You are supposed to use technical machines to reach the conclusion as to which one is real. Hence we know that this metal is simply outstanding and is slowly and slowly looking forward to eradicate diamond and popularize itself as much as it could do.

Sandra Bullock :Divorced

A court clerk in Austin, Texas, confirmed that the divorce between Sandra Bullock and celebrity biker was finalized Monday. She filed to end the marriage in April after reports surfaced that James had been unfaithful.Details of the settlement were sealed by the court, but Bullock's initial filing cited "discord or conflict of personalities" as grounds for the divorce.

An attorney for Bullock did not immediately return calls to The Associated Press on Tuesday, but her publicist, Cheryl Maisel, confirmed the couple's split was complete.

James' publicist, Monique Huey-Jones, declined to comment Tuesday.

It was the first marriage for Bullock, who became a devoted step mom to James' children: Sunny, 6; Jesse Jr., 12; and Chandler, 15.

Their problems surfaced in March, just days after Bullock won the best-actress Oscar for her role in "The Blind Side." She had been on a career high — her romantic comedy, "The Proposal," was a box-office smash, then she swept Hollywood's awards season for her "Blind Side" performance.

The couple was a fixture at the glittery awards shows this year. She called James "sexy" as she accepted her Screen Actor's Guild award. Backstage, he held her purse as she spoke to reporters.

Bullock told James from the stage, her voice cracking with emotion: "There's no surprise that my work got better when I met you. Because I never knew what it felt like for someone to have my back." She did not thank her husband at the Academy Awards, instead dedicating her acceptance speech to mothers and parents everywhere.
Still, the couple walked hand-in-hand down Oscar's red carpet, celebrated together at the parties afterward and were photographed outside a Long Beach burger joint the next day.Ten days later, reports surfaced that James had been unfaithful while Bullock was away making her Oscar-winning film. He apologized to his wife and three children from previous relationships through a statement released by his publicist.

"It's because of my poor judgment that I deserve everything bad that is coming my way," he said. "This has caused my wife and kids pain and embarrassment beyond comprehension, and I am extremely saddened to have brought this on them."

Bullock canceled appearances to promote "The Blind Side" overseas, moved out of the home she shared with James and dropped out of sight. James went to rehab, but did not reveal why he needed treatment.

Bullock in April dropped a bombshell, announcing on the cover of People magazine that she was divorcing James and had adopted a baby boy who she intended to raise as a single mother.
Watch her:

Megan Fox :: married Austin Green

Megan Fox has tied the knot with longtime boyfriend Brian Austin Green. Fox's publicist Dominique Appel said Tuesday the couple was "happily married." . Fox became engaged to Green earlier this month for the second time. The pair was previously engaged in 2006.
Fox and Green, 36, have been dating for several years. It's the first marriage for both.
Fox's film credits include "Transformers" and "Jonah Hex," which opened earlier this month. Green was a star of of the 1990s TV hit, "Beverly Hills 90210."

Katie Holmes : acting as wife of JFK

The first snaps of fashionista Katie Holmes starring as Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy in the History Channel miniseries The Kennedys are out, and we have to admit that the actress, dressed in full costume, does a pretty damn good imitation of the real thing.

In a bouffant 'do, blue shift dress, classic pearls and a faux baby bump, Katie's copied the late first lady and fashion icon's style perfectly!

Watch her:

Kerry Washington Hairstyle

Kerry Washington Hairstyle

Kerry Washington hairstyles are eye communicable styles that consistently absorb adroitness and class. She has been accepted to abrasion beeline hairstyles, but is generally apparent donning curls. Here we see her in a agnate look. Washington has a attractive set of bouncing curls, with activity and body. They accept bold address that compliments.
Kelly Osbourne Hairstyle

Kelly Osbourne Hairstyle

Kelly Osbourne accept been accepted to be some of the best risky. She is absolutely not abashed to try new baroque styles. Here we see Osbourne with a accurate rocker emo style. She incorporates the use of blush by application hot blush on the top, and midnight atramentous on the ends. This appearance has abstract bangs and acicular beard throughout.

Kelly Osbourne cutting a albino abbreviate hairstyles while accessory the Famous Stars and Straps 10th Anniversary. If you appetite to absorb the attending into your style, you can actualize to appearance your beard like 2010 kelly Osbourne hairstyles.

kelly Osbourne 2010 abbreviate hairstyles aloof like any added blazon of cut and style, abbreviate beard can still action versatility. Additionally, abbreviate hairstyles has its own appropriate affectionate of beauty.

kelly Osbourne beard color: Blonde, Pale Golden Blonde, Golden Blonde

Kelly Michelle Lee Osbourne (born 27 October 1984) is an English media personality, appearance designer, singer, actress, and model, accepted for actuality the babe of Ozzy Osbourne and Sharon Osbourne. She was advance into the accent afterwards actualization on absoluteness series. The Osbournes with her family, for which they won a 2002 Emmy accolade for Outstanding Absoluteness Program with her family. She has additionally appeared on the Dancing with the Stars, in which she and able ball accomplice Louis van Amstel took third place, and fabricated forays into music, acting, fashion, autograph and radio presentation.

G20 Summit - The World Cup for the New World Order ???

The G20/G8 is a meeting of the 20 major economies in the world(G8 is the top 8 of the G20), where they discuss how to make more money more efficiently and how to keep the workers working.

-from The Gardian
"Signs of deep rifts at the G8 and G20 summits in Toronto over how quickly governments should cut deficits added to financial market jitters today, with the Americans warning of the dangers of a double dip recession if all countries started to rein back spending at once.

The leading European economies, especially Germany, are putting a new emphasis on cutting back government spending, and there is a possibility that a G20 communique, due to be released on Sunday , will set out an indicative timetable of how far and fast countries should retrench spending."

Also the plans for which countries are allowed to be in the game is disscussed

-from AFP
"The session ... is going to focus on peace and security, Iran and North Korea will be discussed" a senior US official told reporters at the Group of Eight summit being held north of the Canadian city of Toronto.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said US President Barack Obama planned meetings with the leaders of South Korea on Saturday and of China and Japan on Sunday to discuss the security situation in East Asia"


Michael Chossudovsky

Webster Tarpley


The reason behind the peaceful protests is to attract attention to the elite who run our economic world. The fact that the world economic leaders need to have a complete lockdown of a major city is alarming in itself. The protesters are sarcastic confrontational and somewhat rude but completely non threatening.The reality is there is a small group of elite who for better or worse(depending who you ask)run the world

Toronto's $1 Billion Security Budget - Russian Today's Coverage

Public Works Act or Police State ?

Protesters in Action


What is an agent provocateur ?

Anarchists don't join groups...think about it !

Peaceful Protesters Tell Their Stories

Part Two "How to Get Arrested at the G20"

Charlie Veitch of Love Police Interview after his release from police custody at the G20

Many of the protesters are genuinely doing what they believe to be the "right" thing by protesting against the world elite. However, protesting only empowers the elite masters of reality. Protesting has the effect of slowing down the fascist machine as it rolls toward totalitarianism, but ultimately this is the ratchet effect. There is the illusion of progress but the machine still exists and is still on course.
It may seem too simple or silly but the only way to free yourself is to ignore the machine. Each man is a leader who can live freely by not focusing on the rituals that have been set up to create our reality

- All Rights Reserved 2010 - The Niles Lesh Project Follow NILES LESH / MIENFOKS on TWITTER !

Kristen Stewart and her co-worker Robert Pattinson just can't get enough of each other

Actress Kristen Stewart and her co-worker Robert Pattinson just can't get enough of each other. It's enough to make you sick! Not only do they work with each other, but, during a recent 'Twilight: Eclipse' after party, the couple could be seen nuzzling, playing kissy-face, and other forms of PDA. According to E! news,source wa at their private after-party shindig and dished all the details about Kristen Stewart and her undercover lover:

"...the couple (Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson) was "all over each other" while attending a rooftop party at the Thompson Hotel. And we're talking full on PDA here, Twi-hards, not just hand-holding. "They were kissing, nuzzling, holding hands and embracing," the source tells us.He's so into her," says the insider. "The way he looks at her is so passionate."

Watch her:

Debbie Gibson : will Fight with Tiffany for *Mega Python vs. Gataroid.* movie

Pop-stars Debbie Gibson and Tiffany are set to battle it out in a new Syfy signature Saturday night original movie called Mega Python vs. Gataroid.

Debbie will play a fanatical animal-rights activist who frees illegally imported exotic snakes from pet stores, sending them into the Everglades, where they grow to mega sizes. Tiffany will play an overzealous park ranger who uses dangerous methods to save endangered alligators.

Both singers previously have been cast in Syfy originals but never have appeared together.

The film, which features the pair brawling at a party and then in a swamp, will start filming this month and is slated to air next year.

They loved the idea of taking this perceived rivalry and having some fun with it,” Executive Vice President Thomas Vitale said. “The catfight on Dynasty was a seminal TV moment and it’s time to re-create that for a new generation.”

“I know that pop culture fanatics have been dying for Tiffany and me to collaborate for the past 24 years!” said Deborah “Debbie” Gibson in a statement. “What better way to do it than by battling each other in a campy romp through the Everglades?”

Watch her live:

Sofia Coppala : Having second children

Famous Female Director Sofia Coppola and "Phoenix frontman "Thomas Mars, recently welcomed their second daughter, according to People Soon  Sofia Coppola gonna have their second baby.
Sofia Coppola, 39, and Mars began dating in 2005. They are also the parents to 3-year-old girl named Romy.

Cosima was born in New York City within the last month, according to the magazine.
No other details have been released so far.

Watch her:

Kim Kardashian :posted a photograph of herself getting measured

Super hot actress Kim Kardashian recently posted a photograph of herself getting measured, around a certain area of her body that she's famous for, and cyptically Tweeted the hashtag #karwax, leading fans to speculate that she might receive her own wax figure at one of Madame Tussauds' famed museums, although the company would not confirm the report.

 She Tweeted.
"Getting measured ... special announcement coming soon..." 
"Hmm… why would I be getting measured… Curiosity? Dress fitting? Can you guess? karwax"

Watch her:

Salma Hayek :Likes eating bug

Salma Hayek is appeared at David Letterman show Monday night. She told on her craving for bugs and and how they’re delicately cooked in her native land of Mexico.

“These little ants fried are amazing – with a little guacamole. And the worms … there are many different recipes for those. The little grasshoppers have a smoky flavor to them. It’s the way they cook them, and it’s really good. They’re not that easy to find. They’re delicatessen.”

When the audience (and Letterman himself too) laughed,She realized she had made a mistake in pronouncing the word “delicacy” and joked about her gaffe.

“Yeah, sorry. My French is getting a little better – [but] my English is getting a lot worse.”
Watch the interview:

Katie Holmes Hairstyle

Katie Holmes is accepted for cutting continued breadth hair. She alike fabricated her own signature of continued breadth beard aback she played the appearance of Joey in Dawson’s Creek. The continued breadth hairstyle that Katie Holmes wears in Dawson’s Creek is aloof abundant to awning the beneath breadth of her shoulders. Katie alike alloyed up the styles of alternating amid stick beeline strands, curls and apart waves.

The aboriginal blush of Katie Holmes’ beard is a affluent chestnut amber but throughout her date of growing up, Katie Holmes had done some arrangement of highlights on her hair. However, best of the time Katie Holmes is not addicted of cutting beard with bangs. She prefers best of beggared styles for her hairstyle.

You’ve apparent Katie Holmes with her continued chestnut locks, as she has beat her beard smoothed and abounding bottomward beneath her shoulders, and you’ve apparent her cutting her beard up in the aback with wisps blind forth her abandon for a chic affair. Well, let me acquaint you! There’s a new kid in town! The accomplished abode is whispering about our celebrity and her cast new attending (June 2007). By the way, accept you taken a glimpse of it, yet? There are those who say it resembles Victoria Beckham’s new signature cut, and we are activity to allocution about that aloof a little bit. From what I do understand, those two are buddies, so what would it aching if Katie takes a folio out of Victoria’s affiliate and learns for the advancement of herself. I am abiding you apperceive who I am talking about, she is the acclaimed British pop singer, song biographer and dancer. As if that isn’t enough, she is additionally a appearance designer. Now, do you bethink her? She is a acceptable sort, to run about with and apprentice the ropes of the trade. Katie isn’t any slouch herself and has been acting for abounding years now. The admixture seems to be like peanut adulate and jelly. Both acceptable for anniversary other.

Kim Kardashian :Dating Miles Austin

Kim Kardashian,27, is dating Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Miles Austin — but she’s determined to take things “slowly”
Kim who split from NFL star Reggie Bush earlier this year — was recently rumored to be dating Miles, but denied the claims — insisting she’s still single. An insider,close friend of Kim says:  
“They are dating,”  “but she doesn’t want to rush anything.“Kim wants to date someone who gets her busy lifestyle.”

 Earlier on may Kim Karadashian said:
“I do not have a boyfriend. I’m on the market and I’m really happy,” she said. “I haven’t been single for years. I never thought I’d like to be single, but I’m on such a schedule that allows me to wake up at 5.30 in the morning and go to the gym.
“I’m not really the dating type. I’m a relationship sort of girl so you won’t see me out so much.
I really feel that the next one that will come into my life will be my husband.        

Watch her:

Angelina jolie: Afraid of Pitt's friendship with Aniston

Angelina Jolie who raises 6 Kids with her husbend Brad Pitt – was furious when the actor resumed contact with his ex-wife and has angrily insisted Jen keeps out of her young brood’s lives, according to a report in American tabloid the National Enquirer."TOM RIDER" Actress Angelina Jolie has told Jennifer Aniston to stay away from her kids!
“Angie told Brad that it was one thing for him to hang out with ‘That woman’,” a source said, “but it would be quite another if he let her see the children.

The last thing she wants is Jen trying to act like some kind of surrogate mother to her six kids. She cannot imagine anything more distressing — and at the same time she does not want any of them getting confused about what is happening to their family.

Angie doesn’t want the kids — and particularly the ones who are too young to understand, like 4-year-old Shiloh ,why Brad is spending time with another woman.

As usual, Brad explained to her that his friendship with Jen is totally innocent — and all about business. She told him that’s fine and she accepts there is nothing she can do about it.

“But she said the kids might not be so understanding and might even get upset that dad was spending so much time with another woman who happens to be his ex-wife.

“She said they might get very confused and Brad should be smart enough not to put them in that position.

“Now, Angie has flat out banned him from seeing Jen when he’s with the children. Other than that, she said, what he does on his own time is his own business.”

Watch her:

Charm bracelets, one of the most enticing pieces of jewelry

Charmed bracelets are one of the most favorite pieces of jewelries that can be worn by anyone. Be it a man, woman or kids all can wear charms that signify some or the other important happening of your life. Charms have a central piece of attraction to a particular happening or various charms can be included in a piece to exhibit various significant things in life. They can be in varieties of metals and gems such as gold, silver, diamond and Cubic zirconia. Varied combination of varied metals can be used to reflect the important happening of one’s life. These charms are delightful and look beautiful when worn. They remind you about one of the most important part of your life and thus it is important to have at least one such jewelry.

If you are getting started with this jewelry but do not an idea s to how to proceed, you can give a second thought to few things. If you are a basketball or football or any sport lover, you can get the symbol of the game as one of the charms in your jewelry. This will remind you of one of the most cherished and loved things in your life. Similarly music lovers can get the symbols of instruments in the form of charms. Also there are people who are crazy about food and have some or the other favorite recipe. Such people can get the food charms in their jewelry which signifies their love for food.
Cubic Zirconia
Also there might be a pet in your house which is very dear to you and hence you can get it included in the collection of your charms. Charms having hearts are very popular and commonly used and hence if you are a loved woman you can get a heart included in your charms. Then there are various other themes such as family, wildlife, adventure, lucky stones and many others which are very popular amongst people and hence one can get the diamond or CZ jewelry made in these themes which appear to be closer to their own life and signify it well.

Kate Hudson Hairstyle

Kate Hudson is a appearance figure and her Kate Hudson Hairstyles are abundant talked as they attending attractive any way she wears them let it be bouncing appearance or ample hairstyle. Enjoy these Kate Hudson hairstyles account accumulating and brainstorm the best beard appearance for your face shape. Kate Hudson, continued albino beard accomplished actress, has starred in movies "How to lose a guy in 10 days", "You, Me and Dupree", "Raising Helen", and abounding added cool hits in Hollywood.

Kate has been on abounding annual covers and she consistently looks fabulous. with her signature continued coiled beard style. This appearance can be accomplished several altered ways. Add curls all over application a baby butt crimper iron. Add a little acme in the acme are by aback combing the beard in sections. Another way to add these blazon of curls is to complect the beard in 4-6 abstracted sections aback it is still damp. Once beard is dry, disengage the plaits and align bouncing beard with your fingers for this alluring style.

Kate is cutting an updo that appearance several chiffon strands to anatomy the face. The beard is pulled aback about into a chignon from an aimless part. The beat-up attending is actual accepted for academic occasions.

Amanda Bynes: retiring from act ing

Amanda Bynes, 24, says she's had it with show biz and it's time to say goodbye.

Via Twitter with the handle @Chicky, she shared: "Being an actress isn't as fun as it may seem. If I don't love something anymore, I stop doing it. I don't love acting anymore, so I've stopped doing it. I know 24 is a young age to retire but you heard it here first."

To be perfectly honest, it's been a few years since we carved out any screen time with Amanda. She started at age 10 on the Nickelodeon show, All That, before launching The Amanda Show. She exited in 2001, and so went the attention of the only kid in the house.

The winner of multiple Kids Choice Awards and a Critics Choice Award for 2007's Hairspray, Bynes is hopefully on the road to her "encore career." Like millions of other Americans (most in their 40s to 60s, some by choice, many not), she has discarded her old career and is ready to follow her dreams. Maybe start a nonprofit? Open a cafe? Go back to school? Here, a little "retirement" advice:

Be ready to start at the bottom. This might be tough for someone who has had her own show, but the fact is you're not always going to be in charge. 
Then again, perhaps you already know that (via Twitter): "I've never written the movies &tv shows I've been a part of. I've only acted like the characters the producers or directors wanted me to play.
Watch Her:

Rihanna :Want animal paint in dressing area

Umbrella hit-maker,Rihanna is currently touring the world with her Last Girl On Earth shows, and a list of her backstage demands has been obtained by
The rider reveals Rihanna asks for animal print cushions and a throw rug to decorate her dressing area, as well as vases of white tulips and lavender roses.

Rihanna demands animal print decorations in her backstage area ahead of every show - and bizarrely bans sequins from her dressing room, according to the singer's tour rider.
 The singer also requests an "ice-blue" colour scheme and "no sequins" on any of the pillows or sofas, and most importantly the bathroom must be "spotless" and the toilet given a "deep clean".

Watch her:

Cubic Zirconia; the dream come true for every woman

Cubic Zirconia Jewelry
Having a beautiful set of necklace or a perfect piece of jewelry is the dream of every woman. Every woman in this world dreams to look beautiful wearing the most beautiful and expensive jewelry that could add to her beauty and for this most of the times women get confused as to which stone or metal to opt for. Generally people prefer to have ornaments in gold and silver along with diamonds studded on them. However everyone is not blessed enough to have money to buy such jewelries. For such people Cubic Zirconia is the best option to go for. They can simply spend a fraction of money as compared to these real studded diamonds and look as beautiful as they ever wished to.

Not only for yourself but you can even buy these Cubic zirconia jewelry for your loved ones. Be it your mother –in-law’s wedding anniversary or your sister’s birthday, your niece’s engagement or a festival, you can easily buy a beautiful set ,made of this gemstone and gift to your loved ones. They will surely thank you a lot for such beautiful and precious gift. This is the best way to bring smile on the faces of your lovely friends and relatives. After all they are the ones who have been there in your every good and bad moment hence it is your duty to make them happy with anything that you can do for them.
There are loads of varieties that can be sought out in these special gemstones. Being man-made they have lot many options as compared to the real and natural stones. There are lot many color and design option in the jewelries made of this CZ. Whether you wish to have bracelets or rings, a necklace set or a simple chain all can be easily formulated in this stone. With multiple color options available you can easily match them with any of your dresses regardless of what color category they fall into. Thus you can have a complete collection of jewelries in a variety of colors and designs made in these special gem stones.

Angelina jolie: Meet with Haiti leader

Angelina Jolie, the actress and United Nations goodwill ambassador, was in the capital Saturday for meetings with President Renรฉ Prรฉval.Jolie, who is well known for her interest in children, was on a fact-finding trip to learn more about the situation of Haiti's children, particularly those left homeless and orphaned by the Jan. 12 earthquake.

Jolie is a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR. She met judges, lawyers, ministry of social affairs officials and other actors involved in children's issues to get a sense of the problem.
Friday, she visited the United Nations Stabilization Mission (MINUSTAH) log base, where she was the star attraction at a reception.
Watch Her:

Kristen Stewart ::Excited About Twilight "Breaking down"

 Kristen Stewart is head over heels about the final installment of the Twilight film series, “Breaking Dawn”, being broken into two separate movies. In an interview with MTV News, Stewart stated:
“I’m really excited. I didn’t want to read the script that was just one [movie]. It would have lacked so much because you just couldn’t cram the story into one. At least that was my opinion, so I’m really excited.”

She also feels as if her character Bella blossoms into a woman and becomes the strongest link in the final chapter.

“She’s a woman now and it blows my mind. It’s going to be a completely different person to play. She’s like a matriarch now. She’s the strongest vampire, she literally can protect everyone. She’s literally impenetrable. I’m most excited about seeing Renesmee. It should be interesting, all of that stuff.”

Part 1 of “Twlight: Breaking Dawn” will come out on November 18th 2011 and will feature actress Kristen Stewart, along with actors Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner. The release date for part 2 has not been announced yet.
Watch her:

Megan Fox :: Plannig for wedding

Megan fox ,"Jonah Hex" actress, announced her engagement to Brian Austin Green this week - says she feels a deep connection to the actor.She told People: "We're just even more committed to each other than we always have been. I'm more in love with him now than I was in the beginning."

Megan, 24, and Brian, 36, called off their first engagement in February 2009 after five years together, but the screen beauty insists she doesn't consider it a new betrothal.

She added: "It's really not a re-engagement. It's just the same engagement and for some reason it's now news."
Following the announcement, speculation is now rife as to what sort of ceremony the couple may have, with Megan previously insisting their nuptials would be a private affair.

She said: "It's not going to be a big wedding. I'm not one of those girls - if it happens, it will be very low-key and quick and unplanned."
Watch her:

ALVIN GREENE- The Man, The Myth & The Growing Legend !

He's only been accused of a felony rather than convicted like Alcee Hastings. He hasn't lied about his military record like Dick Blumenthal.
He has less skeletons in his closet than Barack Obama, Bill Clinton & Teddy Kennedy. His slogan is Jobs, Education, Justice...and he wants to reunite North & South Korea !... He is ALVIN GREENE...HE IS LEGEND

Alvin Michael Greene (born August 30, 1977) is the Democratic Party's nominee in the 2010 United States Senate election in South Carolina. He is the first African-American to be nominated for U.S. Senate by a major party in South Carolina since Reconstruction.[1] Greene faces incumbent Republican Senator Jim DeMint and Green Party candidate Tom Clements in the general election.

Greene won the Democratic primary race against candidate Vic Rawl[2] on June 8, 2010, with 59% of the vote, despite very limited campaigning and campaign spending, no website, and no yard signs.[3] The executive committee of the South Carolina Democratic Party voted 55 to 10 to reject Rawl's request for a new Senate primary after questions were raised about Greene's surprise victory.[4][5]

Greene graduated from the University of South Carolina in 2000 with a degree in political science[6] and is a United States military veteran who served in the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force before receiving an involuntary honorable discharge in 2009. He is currently unemployed and lives with and cares for his father[7] in Manning, roughly halfway between Columbia and Charleston.[8]
Wikipedia link

This man is the most exciting politician currently on the scene -

The following interviews are hilarious evidence that this man is the real McCoy the genuine article...Each interviewer trys to humiliate, confuse, obfuscate or just generally mock Greene, but he is so outside the beltway/mainstream political machine that they all fail miserably. He keeps repeating his slogan of JOBS, EDUCATION & JUSTICE and then hammers them with I got 60% of the vote !( BITCHES)



Lemon qualifies his interview, which is basically admiting that it is going to be a "hit piece". What ensues is pure gold: Lemon challenges his mental state, whether Greene may be "impared by something" & asks about a pending legal charge. Lemon: Are you OK. Green: I'm OK. Lemon: You don't sound OK

Seriously, although he sounds like he's answering with a Magic 8 Ball. How much worse of a senator could he be than the other guy ?

He is accused by his fellow state democrats of being mentally impared. I think he should change his current campaign slogan from" Jobs, Education and Justice" to " I"M OK !...or Alvin Greene...He's so crazy it just might work.


Ingrahm tries to make Alvin look foolish, but his answers are so honest & strange that she is cheering for him by the end. If this guy is follwing a script; I wish I wrote it !


Alvin brilliantly(ok maybe awkwardly is a better word) uses the ole' "I have another call coming in" to exit the interview

The strongest aspect to Greene's campaign is that his is not JIM DeMINT...hey it worked for Barack Obama in 2008 !

- All Rights Reserved 2010 - The Niles Lesh Project Follow NILES LESH / MIENFOKS on TWITTER !

Miley Cyrus : Donot care What people Critise

Miley Cyrus is certainly growing up. As the 17-year-old expresses her growth on her new album, Can't Be Tamed, she's been criticized by some who she's trying to be too old too 1st
She say she has a message for those who may not approve of her: She doesn't read what you have to say anyway. "I try to think of really just the positive things. My family, we're only allowed to have 10 channels basically at our house, because we don't want to see any of that stuff," she told MTV News on Friday, days before celebrating the release of her album with a concert in L.A. to be live-streamed on MTV sites. "So the people that are around me, they bring me the good things, and I never see anything or read anything that's bad because it's never e-mailed to me by my manager or publicist or whoever."

Cyrus claimed to be deliberately ignorant of any gossip or negative talk about her. "That's the job of the team that I have around me: to make sure that those things aren't talked about," she explained.

Well, now that we are talking about "those things," does she have a response to the criticism that work has become too mature for her fanbase? "A lot of people say there's things that are on the Internet about me, or whatever, and then they go, 'Well if that's you, how do you expect people to buy your record when your fans are kids?' " she said. "My record isn't the bullcrap that people write about me. My record is what I want to say and what I think is important."

No matter what, Miley said, she's got the support of her parents, and that's what's important. "And I'm a very inspirational person," she said. "At the end of the day my parents are proud of me, and I have a feeling if your job is to bring other people down, you may not have the same response."

Watch her:



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